We Offer ALaser-Focused Boutique Practice with Large-Firm Resources
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Private Equity Lawyer Tampa, FL

The world of private equity firms and investors opens a whole new can of worms when it comes to complexity and potential conflict. Our Tampa, FL private equity lawyer is aware that there may not be the luxury of time in these types of deals, which is why we are committed to offering relevant advice and representation.

Our legal team at Hoyer Law Group, PLLC has decades of experience representing individuals who are either investing or exiting a transaction. We understand how each detail can affect advisory work such as strategy issues and capital structure. Access to a variety of resources can give us leverage in ensuring we tackle your situation successfully.

Our Private Equity Lawyer Can Provide Peace Of Mind

It can be impossible to anticipate each outcome of a transaction when you’re going at it alone—people never fail to surprise us, after all. Not only that, but there are a multitude of specifics to consider when structuring your transaction. A few areas that our Tampa private equity lawyer can assist you with are: negotiations, drafting, and financing documentation.

Not only do we know what to look for when conducting transactions between private equity firms and investors, but we also make it our mission to ensure each of our clients are given the same amount of dedication and work from our team, no matter the size of investment.

Several Private Equity Transactions We Can Help You With

Ultimately, we are able to conduct private equity transactions with minimal interference. One of the best ways this can be done is by taking the time to chat with you about your business and how you envision its future. With that knowledge, it will become easier to aid you in the following arenas:

  • Financial Insolvency & Restructuring. It’s not uncommon for businesses to face financial challenges at some point along their journey. Whether you find yourself unable to pay your debts, or your liabilities become greater than the value of your company, our Tampa private equity lawyer is here to collaborate with you to brainstorm next steps.
  • Dispute. There is no shortage of falling-outs that can occur in business relationships. We have experience dealing with disputes over securities transactions, accounting errors, and those that occur over the management of a company. No disagreement can be approached the same, which is why it can prove beneficial to seek professional guidance from our team.
  • Tax Structuring. In an ideal world, we wouldn’t need to heavily strategize to minimize tax liability, or at least everyone would know how to do it. However, with the frequency of tax changes and the intricacies of the law, it can prove difficult to apply the optimal tax elections on your own. Our attorneys have observed what works for certain businesses and what doesn’t and are eager to share their knowledge.

If you would like to explore what types of transactions may be feasible for you and your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to our legal counsel at Hoyer Law Group, PLLC for a consultation.

Legal professionals of Hoyer Law Group, PLLC

Client Review

"What an Amazing group to work with! Highly recommend! They have a true passion for helping others and they are impressively good at finding Justice!"
Lizzie Applegate
Client Review


2801 West Busch Blvd
Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33618

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