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Federal Prosecutors Seek More Than $96 Million in Damages From Lance Armstrong

by | Jun 9, 2014 | Firm News

American taxpayers have 96 million reasons to care what Lance Armstrong says under oath later this month.

Prosecutors are seeking more than $96 million from the disgraced cyclist, according to documents Armstrong’s lawyers attached to motions they filed in Washington federal court earlier this week.

Armstrong, according to the documents filed in the False Claims Act whistle-blower lawsuit first filed by ex-teammate Floyd Landis in 2010, is scheduled to testify under oath at a June 23 deposition in Austin, Texas.

The government – which was widely criticized for dropping a criminal investigation of Armstrong in 2013 — joined Landis’ lawsuit in 2013, several months after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency issued a blistering report that accused the cyclist of leading the most sophisticated and successful doping ring in sports history.

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