Florida | D.C. | Maryland | Michigan

24/7 Call Answering : ‪(800) 651-2502

We Offer ALaser-Focused Boutique Practice with Large-Firm Resources
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Your Legal Response After A Wrongful Termination

Florida and other states allow for “at-will” employment, which means that employers can hire and fire workers as they need or want to, for business reasons or just because an employee is not a good fit for a company. However, employers are not allowed to discharge employees for specifically unlawful reasons, such as:

If you were fired for an illegal reason, your employer will not likely admit it. Rather, it will be up to you to prove it if you wish to bring legal action in response. To gather evidence and prove your case, you will need the help of an experienced attorney. The legal team at Hoyer Law Group, PLLC, uses trained investigators to collect and preserve the facts that you need to build the strongest possible case. We have brought numerous wrongful discharge cases against employers who had violated anti-discrimination laws and other worker protection laws.

Why Hire Us?

We have a great deal of experience and a strong track record of success. We pride ourselves on the effectiveness of our legal counsel and the customization with which we deliver our employment law services. Our clients enjoy accessible, clear communications with their lawyers at our firm. We get to know each client as an individual and work closely with them to get the resolutions that they need after being wrongfully terminated from their jobs.

We also advise and represent companies in preventive and reactive capacities. We counsel employers and represent them when they have been accused of wrongfully terminating employees.

Our dedication is personalized for each client, and our overall reach is broad. With offices in Florida, California, Michigan and Washington, D.C., our lawyers work with clients nationwide. To schedule a consultation, email us or call 844-277-1217.

Legal professionals of Hoyer Law Group, PLLC

Client Review

"What an Amazing group to work with! Highly recommend! They have a true passion for helping others and they are impressively good at finding Justice!"
Lizzie Applegate
Client Review


2801 West Busch Blvd
Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33618

24/7 Call Answering

New Clients: 844-531-0082
Existing Clients: 844-277-7572