Many facets of American law – such as Title VI – protect individuals from racial discrimination, and give them recourses should intentional discrimination occur. For example, if your employer wrongfully terminates you or otherwise disadvantages you based on your race...
Employment Law
HR mistakes that small and medium-sized business owners often make
Running a business is a complex task, with many different moving parts to keep track of. If you can’t afford to hire in-house counsel or a human resources department quite yet, you may be handling the human resources tasks yourself. Here are some common mistakes that...
Have you faced pregnancy discrimination in the workplace?
Expecting a child can often come with conflicting emotions. You may feel excited about being pregnant after trying to conceive, but you may also feel nervous about the adventure that motherhood will be. Though these feelings are natural, if someone in your workplace...
How do employment laws protect workers?
Most employers in Florida and across the country have an obligation to treat their employees fairly. This obligation stems from numerous laws pertaining to employment. While there are certain situations in which employers may be exempt from adhering to specific laws,...
Can my employer require me to get a vaccination?
Vaccinations and other medical decisions are very serious decisions for anyone to make. Recently, there has been more and more talk about what your employer can say about the matter. Many people may hear things about forced vaccinations being a form of workplace...
What does it take to qualify for FMLA leave?
Many Florida residents who need to take time off because of a family or personal medical emergency may find themselves worried about their jobs. You may be among the numerous individuals who think twice before taking time off of work because you do not want to face...
Can ADHD qualify as a disability under the ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a powerful law that helps protect against disability discrimination within the workplace. It covers a range of different diseases and disabilities, and in some cases can reach to include protection for those who suffer from...
How can I prove that my employer fired me because of my age?
Last year’s downturn in the economy led to hundreds of thousands of Americans losing their jobs. While the economy has made a solid recovery since then, you still may face an unexpected job loss sometime this year. If that happens, you may wonder why you were let go....
Can Government Employees be Whistleblowers under the False Claims Act?
Jesse Hoyer Partner Members of government agencies often ask us whether their employment by the Government impacts whether they can serve as a whistleblower in a qui tam case under the False Claims Act (“FCA”)? Unfortunately, the short answer is “maybe.” Government...
Court of Appeals Finds in Favor of HLG VA Client
David Fulleborn Senior Employment Counsel Court Reverses Client’s Removal from the VA based upon the VA and MSPB’s Improper Application of the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act On March 31, 2020, the United States Court of...